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Monday, 7 October 2013

Main causes of OZONE DEPLETION

As we study this chapter, we have read through Ozone depletion. Let's look at the MAIN OZONE DEPLETION SUBSTANCES(ODS)

  • Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
    • The most widely used ODS, accounting for over 80% of total stratospheric ozone depletion.
    • Used as coolants in refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners in buildings and cars manufactured before 1995.
    • Found in industrial solvents, dry-cleaning agents and hospital sterilants.
    • Also used in foam products — such as soft-foam padding (e.g. cushions and mattresses) and rigid foam (e.g. home insulation).
  • Halons
    • Used in some fire extinguishers, in cases where materials and equipment would be destroyed by water or other fire extinguisher chemicals. In B.C., halons cause greater damage to the ozone layer than do CFCs from automobile air conditioners.
  • Methyl Chloroform
    • Used mainly in industry — for vapour degreasing, some aerosols, cold cleaning, adhesives and chemical processing.
  • Carbon Tetrachloride
    • Used in solvents and some fire extinguishers.
  • Hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
    • HCFCs have become major, “transitional” substitutes for CFCs. They are much less harmful to stratospheric ozone than CFCs are. But HCFCs they still cause some ozone destruction and are potent greenhouse gases.

By-Bigbang VIP Janice Kwon❤


  1. Interesting to know the name of these substances and its causes:) Like what our textbook said, CFCs is the most harmful substances. We should revent and reduce the se of CFCs

  2. The more CFCs we use, the faster the ozone layer becomes thinner.

  3. Wow! I don;t know that these "things" cause the ozone layer thinner too.

  4. As Adrian said the more CFCs we use the thinner the ozone layer will be ! So be alert stop damaging the ozone layer it will affect the next generation ! Don't just think of yourself !

  5. the only way to do that is to stop making CFCs and several other chemicals. Encourage people to do so !! government have to think of it too !

  6. We know that CFCs and other contributory substances are referred to as ozone-depleting substances(ODS). . It is suspected that a variety of biological consequences such as increases in skin cancer,cataracts and also cause damage to plants:(

  7. Man-made compounds are very stable and can exist in the atmosphere for a long time; consequently, these compounds can reach the stratosphere and cause destruction of the ozone layer. Chlorine found in nature is water soluble. Therefore, most is removed in the lower atmosphere by rain, snow and ice and does not reach the stratosphere. Please don't make so much of CFCs cos ozone layer will getting thinner and thinner ...

  8. If the ozone layer is getting thinner,it will affect plants,animals,human beings & the environment!!Plants may change from one species into another species because of the changes in climate!Some animals may extinct due to the global warming!Human may also get skin cancers because of ozone depletion!In the future,some islands or low lands may be covered by water because the icebergs are melting that caused the sea level to keep on rising due to ozone depletion!!

  9. CFC's contribute to 80% of the ozone depletion?! Wow...... we should use less sprays ^^

  10. All this actually helps the layer but once it have more than enough ,it will bring harm to us.

  11. We should stop using CFCs product and stop emitting nitrous oxide.When it acculumate in the atmosphere,it acts like a greenhouse effect :D
